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Desert Valley Church - Statement of Faith 	                 

My Personal Union with Christ and His Church

I believe –

1. Jesus Christ, fully God and fully man, was obedient unto death,
even the death of the cross. Through faith in Him I am saved and enjoy 
eternal life now.  (1 John 5:13)

2. There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three co-eternal

Persons, all working together for my salvation. 

3. The Bible is the testimony of Jesus and is the only rule of faith
and practice for the Christian. 

4. Adam’s fall brought sin, condemnation, and death upon humanity.
The Ten Commandment Law declares God’s will, reveals sin, and reminds all, 
including the saved, of their need of a Savior. 

5. The Gospel proclaims that the one who is just by faith shall live.
In justification, God declares believers righteous on the ground of Jesus Christ’s 
substitutionary life and death apart from works. 

6. The fruit of the Gospel includes the new birth and a life of progressive
sanctification, which is adeepening repentance and a growing Christ-likeness 
until glorification at the Day of Jesus Christ. 

7. Under the New Covenant, God writes His Law, including the Fourth Commandment,
upon the hearts and minds of believers in Jesus. Loyalty to God’s Law is a necessary
fruit of the Gospel.

8. Joined by faith to Jesus Christ, I become a member of His body,
the Church Universal. 

9. Participation in His body includes baptism, corporate worship, the Lord’s supper,
exercising discipleship and spiritual gifts – 
fulfilling the great commission to take the Gospel to the world. 

10. The Christian life is a personal relationship with Christ – a commitment to
His steadfast love of ourselves, our time, talents, possessions (including tithes and offerings), 
health, and influence. 

11. At the cross, Jesus stood in the Judgment for sinners and died in their place.
Believers do not personally appear in Judgment because Jesus the Mediator presents them as righteous in Himself. 

12. In the Final Judgment, the righteous receive immortality at Christ’s return, and the wicked,
eternal death at the Millennium’s end as the new earth becomes the saints’ possession forever.

13. Seventh-day Adventist Christians are called to announce Christ’s return to the world by proclaiming
the Gospel – preparing individuals to stand in the Judgment in the person of their righteous Representative – Jesus Christ.

Desert Valley Church
Statement of Faith
28 Fundamental Beliefs of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church